Seasonal Change

Seasonal Change

We’re entering into the shift of seasons as days grow longer and nights are shorter. The sun comes up earlier and goes down later. It all allows the growth of the freshness of spring. This is also the season of Easter. How has the Resurrection of Jesus, that we just celebrated, affected your day? We can get so used to the celebration that as it passes we move on into the rest of our year, pretty much as we were in the earlier part of the year. I’ve noticed how easy it is to move from a hard subject to lighter ones in conversation and that makes me think about Easter’s passing. Over the last couple of months, people I’ve known at different moments in my life have died. That’s led to phone conversations with others who were also friends with the person who passed. As we talked I became aware of how easily we moved from the serious recollection of the one who was such a part of our lives, to talking about what we would be doing later in the day or that coming week. My father-in-law used to comment that he didn’t expect to be remembered beyond the chicken salad at the reception after his funeral. For the person who is truly grieving, the ache, the loss continues, but even they can’t avoid talking about regular aspects of life unless they become unhealthy in their grief. So, shouldn’t we be “getting on” with stuff after the big holy days? Well… no… because we’re not talking about loss. We’re talking about joy! The joy of the good news of Jesus’ resurrection and the proof and promise that brings to our lives. Let it permeate the days ahead. Let the season of Easter get prolonged in your heart. Blessings, Geoff